
Distribute Version Control System (DVCS)

For the Distributed Version Control System (DVCS) of this project, Git was used. The development process was kept simple, utilizing just one branch. The new features, bug fixes, improvements or other changes were commited to the main branch.

To maintain clarity in the project’s history, the commit messages followed the Conventional Commits format: <type> : <subject>, where the type could be feat, fix, docs, style, chore, and the subject is a brief and clear description of what was commited.

Implementation details

The biggest “surprise” encountered in the development of this project was the fact that the default CalendarView offered by the Android SDK is not so easily personalizable. After researching multiple possibilities, I chose to continue the development using the CalendarView offered by applandeo, which offered more options for customization. Yet still I could not create the exact UI I wanted.

In the end, the app reached its goal. There is still a lot of room for improvement of the interface, but this work exceeds the scope of this poject.